Sunday, September 28, 2008

Some other blogs on training in the corporate world to check out

I found some other blogs in class yesterday that deal with training and education in the corporate world.

Check them out and let me know if you find some others worth reading.

eLearning Technology blog
Corporate Training and eLearning blog
Allen Communications Learning Services blog


NICKI said...

Thanks for sharing. I'll check them out when I get a chance and let you know if I find something interesting. They might even be helpful for my other class...Designing Learning Interventions.

By the way...the more I think about taking a class next semester and having a baby...the more I realize I would be crazy. I think you were right. i will still have a chat with the instructor but i won't be heart broken if I have to skip a semester. thanks for your advice!

NICKI said...

I had a chance to check out the corporate training blog. I found a really interesting post. It described the role of the instructional designer in laymans terms. It said "We write and develop classroom and online training programs on any topic for corporations of all sizes." This is what I usually resort to when I tell someone what I do!