Sunday, September 14, 2008

So what do you think?

On page 38, Tapscott talks about the new web and the collaboration that's evolving out of it. No longer are people okay with just reading static pages. They want to add their comments and opinions to build upon one another. I find it interesting how many websites are opening up and asking for feedback. Readers can post comments or edit the content.

What's even more interesting is how this new wave of interacting with one's audience has been handed down to the traditional medias like newspapers. In the recent Juice (Sept 9, 2008), there was a section asking for readers to provide content. They want their audience to help shape the content that gets delivered to others.

With all of this, I think about my son. He's going to grow up in a world where he has the ability to always offer his opinion on just about everything. He'll probably grow up expecting that channel to be open. I just hope that we can raise our kids with something worth saying!

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