Wednesday, November 12, 2008

5 common quiz question mistakes

Here's a really interesting post about the five common quiz questions mistakes that eLearning designers usually make. They seem obvious when you read them, but I know that I've fallen prey to creating an obvious distractor or a pointless question.

He's got some great examples and links to some other stuff, but the really good stuff is in the comments section. It's interesting to read what others have done to overcome these pitfalls. One that I'd never thought of is asking the SME for possible distractors that seem plausible.

We learn, sometimes the best, through our failures so the we need to make the quizzes worthwhile and realistic.

1 comment:

TechChallenged said...

You're right - these do seem obvious, but they are easy traps to fall into.
My favorite would be a sixth:
Writing questions that have nothing to do with how participants will use the information on the job. It's very easy to fall into the trap of asking things that make for easy questions - even if they are good questions. What we need to focus on are the right questions -- questions that get at why people are taking the training in the first place.